Monday, September 26, 2011

The Signs of Fall

It's time once again for the signs of Fall
Objects of beauty? Not always for all
This time of year an old scourge comes to pass
Are they the mushrooms on your neighbor's grass?

Are they the leaves that come down from your tree?
No, they're the lawn signs that say "Vote for Me!"
Some lawns have many and some just a few
The best ones are those that lawn signs eschew

Gas stations in town take a unique stand
Some allow all, but at some signs are banned
One puzzle whose answer yet I know not
How lawn signs spring up on an empty lot?

Seems there's a new sign behind every tree
Here's a short listing of those that I see
While making my way through town in my car
There's Democrats Cantor with falling star

Whose ugly orange signs? Kindall's the name
From Ed Board to Council, spending's the same
Slifka and Captain and Casperson too
Essie and Davidoff - There's no one new!

Almost forgotten, I have to admit
Candidates Putterman and Terry Schmitt
Are running once more for Education
So from the board there'll be no rotation

Republicans Adler and Goldman and Hall
Of Martin and Sarzen - no "sign" at all
From Kyle and from Brassil nary a roar
One more Republican, lonely Burke Doar

Most signs are the same as two years ago
Reuse them again, expense to forego
Old signs with a new phrase are now bedecked
In small crooked letters, "Please Re-Elect!"

With choices like these for our town I fear
My vote this fall is becoming quite clear
With so many signs, no sick days at all
JP Carroll the roofer send to Town Hall

Long after the vote on November 8
Some signs will still stand on February 8
So please be timely with your collection
Need to make room for next year's election!

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